Jared Baesen

Mr. Turton's ATLAS photo

Work Experience

As human beings, working is the most essential part of life, as working provides us with money to get the essential: housing, food, water, and clothing, but you shouldn't work a job that you don't like, as that will make your 8,000+ hours of work you will do boring and unproductive. Take a look at all the past jobs I held.

Drama/Theater Recreation Employee

Town of Alden Recreational Department

Type: Summer Part-Time

Dates Worked: 06/26/2023 - present

Website: https://www4.erie.gov/alden/recreation

Employer: Mrs. Michelle Gadd (michelle.gadd@erie.gov)

Job: teach kids from grades 4-12 on how to act, and how to operate the Alden High School's tech booth for A/V support.

Skills Improved On: leading, collaboration, problem-solving, onfidence, expressing ideas

Certification(s) Obtained: none

Personal Experience: currently working...

Business Administrator

Alden Bulldog Manufacturing

Type: 80-minute working blocks, 5 days per week

Date Started: 09/01/2022

Date Ended: 06/14/2024

Website: https://bulldogmfg.square.site

Mentors: Mr Allen Turton (aturton@aldenschools.org); Mr. Arthur Eggink (aeggink@aldenschools.org)

Job: to manage money going out of the company (account payable), manage the website

Skills Improved On: collaboration, problem-solving, confidence, expressing ideas, compromising, budgeting/managing money, interviewing, resume building, tachnical skiils(Square, Microsoft 365 applications)

Certification(s) Obtained: OSHA 10-Hour General Industry Course Completion Card & Certificate

Personal Experience: contemplating...

Information Technology/General Helper

MDS Associates

Type: Semi Part-Time

Date Started: 07/12/2023

Date Ended: 09/1/2023

Website: https://eco-mdsassociates.com

Job: to help MDS Associates with adding content & tags on their Shopify webiste, and to help progress time-sensitive tasks

Skills Improved On: collaboration, independence, responsibility, completing tasks with a deadline, adding tags, gramatical fixing

Certification(s) Obtained: none

Personal Experience: My experience at MDS Associates was one that helped narrow down what job I like to do. The main chunck of what I did were mundane tasks that the other people needed done, which is completely fine, because I was in more of an "internship" role, only working for half the day, 3 days a week. I helped rename picture files in Google Drive at first. This helped jog my brain in thinking of way to cut the time down by creating a JavaScript program, but I never made it because I had no experience with APIs, and my JavaScript knowledge was lack luster at the time.

Once a few weeks went by, I then got started on the website. The job assigned to me was to mainly look through the articles posted on the website and to add tags to them and to occasionally fix gramatical errors when I see them. I did what I was asked to do. Sometimes, I was given the activity of adding products to the Shopify website, which were products already on the mother website. That task was the most fun task I have completed during my time there.

Overall, I don't regret my time there. This helped me decide that the career I want is either not going to do a desk job, or if it is a desk job, it's something where the tasks of the job varies, and that allows me to be creative. Thank you, MDS, for experience you gave me.